Saturday, February 25, 2012

DAY 12: ROAD TRIP TO ELMINA - PART ONE will be in two parts as the drive to Elmina was an adventure in itself...

Traffic leaving Accra early in the morning was very dense with the weekend exodus. But the colourful hawkers along the route were entertaining to watch.

...anything and everything is for concept of recycling forever altered...

...people of all ages going to market...

...many with babies strapped to their backs... our posh resort environment it's easy to forget the reality of this country but once outside the protected gates, as with walking through James Town last week, all becomes very real and impossible to ignore...

 was quite a challenge to balance good hydration and the very long drive... but stopping became a necessity not only to refuel the vehicle....

...these were two of the more luxurious `facilities`, the second providing someone a place for her daily ablutions...

...pulling into a fairly nice looking gas station gave me hope that something better lay there... wrong... saying: `you have to be kidding`...

...way out back, behind a wall was a urine soaked concrete floor with a small hole in one corner....bringing a good supply of toilet tissue and hand sanitizer - indeed!...

...not sure what yoga position I used - definitely yin yoga... 

...I returned to the vehicle envying the men...

 we neared the shore again, the scenery became increasingling more beautiful... stop - Fort Saint-George, Elmina..