Saturday, February 4, 2012


..Following a very quick departure from Quebec City we set off for home by way of Shawinigan. We had literally 10 minutes to transpose ourselves from combats and jeans to mess kit, cocktail dress and pretty shoes (mine not his).  Record time for both of us I am certain.

There we spent yet another very jovial evening with the some wonderful people from the region




... an evening filled with good company, good food and good music. favourite part 
 Post Horn Demonstration
 Shown below, the band master demonstrates the sound of the post horn - 3 basic notes while the band accompanies in the background. Then he adds the same mouth piece to a plastic tube with a basic household funnel attached to the end.  Same beautiful music.  The third part is the most surprising.  He placed the mouthpiece on the barrel end of a 303 rifle from the 1940's and played the same clear notes.

The post horn is a valveless cylindrical brass or copper instrument with cupped mouthpiece, used to signal the arrival or departure of a post rider or mail coach. It was used especially by postilions of the 18th and 19th centuries.

 I wasn't able to capture the event on video myself (maybe next time) but found this similar demonstration on You Tube...

Awards and presentations....

At times very engaging...

And as with most regimental dinners, many marches followed by many toasts.