Tuesday, February 21, 2012


...I have this strange sensation that I am living in a dream that keeps repeating.  Not unlike the Bill Murray character in the film Ground Hog Day but without his confusion and frustration...

My mission today -  to capture a photo of the evasive lizard.  I have seen them a number of times but have never been fast enough.  So after breakfast I headed for the pool. Again deserted (have noticed that hotel guests don`t seem to appear until early to mid afternoon).

Looks like a good spot. 
On previous days I have noticed the little guys sunning themselves against the walls or on empty lounge chairs.


Such beautiful colours!

After a light snack I headed for the beach for a different perspective.  One of the beach 'artists', Nii, sold me this painting (acrylic on canvas). A test of my bargaining 'skills' . From his initial asking price of 100 Ghana cedi we settled on a final price of 40 which is equivalent to about $20 CDN.  Still not sure where we will hang it but I love the colours.

...my place...

...good surf today...

...poor boney beasts look good ....from a distance...

....sat on our balcony for a while and realized we have a date palm outside our room...