Monday, February 27, 2012


...Today I ventured out beyond the gated `compound`...

...Not sure what all the big deal was about.  Aside from making sure I had a reliable honest driver it was a very enjoyable day...he gave me some tips on other places to visit and stayed with me the whole day... first stop was Accra Mall...

...about a 30 minute drive from our hotel...impression?...a mall is a mall is a mall....did, however find a nice cocktail dress for a formal evening at Canada House next week..., I had my driver take me back to the hotel to drop off my parcels...then asked him to take me to the Artists' Alliance Gallery...really enjoyable...3 hawkers...

...although the curator wouldn't allow photos of the art on the second and third floors, she did let me take pictures of the famous coffins.  The one above is of a Nike Air Jordon shoe...for all the basketball fans who would like to be burried this way after they die.  My driver said that his Dad was in the Ghanaian army so he wanted to get him an Army boot to be buried in.  A little bizarre maybe but for all our Irish readers - a Guinness Can Coffin is available for you... this was a gallery promoting primarily Ghana artists there was a large representation of Ashanti artifacts...

...and many samples of Kente cloth...

..tempting as it was to bring  home a souvenir am holding out for a Masai blanket when we get to Kenya...