Karzuri...small and beautiful
...The Kazuri Bead Factory provides employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of Kenyan Society, primarily women - single mothers,those with special needs, and the elderly...
...The Kazuri Bead Factory provides employment opportunities for disadvantaged members of Kenyan Society, primarily women - single mothers,those with special needs, and the elderly...
...even though production was closed for the day, this kind man took us on a brief tour...
...explaining the complex process from refining the clay (all now from local sources)...
...to where the beads and dishes are formed, painted and glazed - all by hand...
...to where the final products are fired...
...not one part of the long process is automated...
...most of the beads are exported - Canada having 3 shops (Vancouver, Toronto and Ottawa) authorized to sell authentic Kazuri jewellery...
...in the gift shop - necklaces and bracelets of every colour, pattern, size and shape of bead imaginable...and if you can't find something you like they will create a custom piece while you wait...
...this video says it all...
...now on to next and final tour of the day...
...now on to next and final tour of the day...